Home of All Nations Anglican Church


Greetings in the Wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to our Web Site, and thank you for taking time and interest in looking into the wonderful ministry into which the Lord has led us all around the world. In just a few years All Nations Christian Church International has rapidly grown into an international ministry of independent and un-affiliated Anglican Christian bodies and ministries. We are blessed to be a part of the new reformation which is taking place for the orthodox faith around the globe. We hope that this web site will be an encouragement for you to “keep the Faith once delivered.”
................................................................................................ Patriarch John xiii

From Out of Kenya, Africa Patriarch John

Our Patriarch's Prayer:

God give me work, till my life shall end
And life, till my work is done.

Patriarch John Githiga and his wife Mrs. Mary Githiga are beloved leaders of the All Nations Christian Church International. Their lives and leadership are empowered by God and uniquely equipped by life experiences and formal education. The parents of four children, they are devoted to their own family and the family of God. Originally from Kenya, the Githiga Family now resides in Amarillo, Texas.

The Texas Panhandle celebrates Patriarch Githiga's witness to God's care and love. Patriarch and Mrs. Githiga work diligently to provide spiritual care for those they reach through the St. Cyprian International Church and through community participation. Bible studies, children's outreach, hospital visits, pastoral counseling, specialized seminars are just a few of the ways Patriarch Githiga enriches the spiritual life of all who meet him.

Preaching the Gospel and empowering the saints, Patriarch John and Lady Mary have responded to God's command to go and make disciples. Early in the ministry, with the invaluable aid of his beloved wife, Patriarch John founded the St. Nicholas Children's Home. Acting as Curator and Director, Patriarch Githiga, persuaded orphaned and abandoned children to leave the garbage dump where they were living and return with the Githigas to a safe environment for care and instruction. The work was so successful that the Government of Kenya recognized Patriarch John as having the legal right to protect children and vindicate them in a Court of Law.

Both Patriarch and Mrs. Githiga know the tragedies innocent children suffer as a result of losing their fathers at an early age. Both parents of the Githgas were first generation Christians. Mary's father was a successful business man who participated in building St. John's' Anglican Church. Patriarch John's father was a preacher, educator and community developer. Patriarch Githiga inhereted his father's passion for learning and teaching. He has earned the Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from the University of the South; a Doctor of Religious Education and Doctor of Divinity from International Bible Institute; and a Seminary Diploma in Theology from Makerere University.* It is no surprise that he in turn taught others. His teaching positions included: Adjunct Faculty at West Texas A&M University in New Testament Studies; Chaplain at Grambling State University teaching Kiswahil; Adjunct Faculty at Pensacola Junior College in Humanities; Head of the Department of Pastoral Theology and Director of Field Education at St. Paul's Theological College; Founder and President of African Association of Pastoral Studies and Counseling; and Adjunct Faculty to Baptist Language School ( for American and European missionaries), lecturing in African psychology. Other honors include being chosen to represent the Anglican Church of Kenya at conferences in Barbados and Germany and participating in a cultural exchange programs in Panama.

Always willing to obey the call to service, Patriarch Githiga has served in both pastoral and administrative offices. They include: Vicar of Karura Parish (seven congregations with a membership of approximately 3,000); Chairman of the Diocesan Board of Christian Education, Mount Kenya Diocese; Counselor for Chisere Home for physically handicapped at Limuru, Kenya; Vicar of St. George's Episcopal Church, Canyon, TX; and Vicar of St Cyprian's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.

Knowledgeable in aiding people to overcome cultural barriers, Patriarch John has directed and been the spiritual leader for several short-term missions to Kenya. These missions focused on evangelism in schools colleges and seminars for clergy and their spouses. Bishop John and Lady Mary continue to bridge cultural differences as they seek to enable ministry with First Nations People (Native American Groups) in Arizona, African immigrants in Texas, and all races who share:

The love of Christ,
The work and person of the Holy Spirit
The Creator, Father

Other honors include: A Certificate of Theology from St. Paul's United Theological College; Certificate of Evangelism from Church Army College in East Africa; and service in Clinical Pastoral Education at Milledgeville State Hospital, Georgia.

In Christ's service and yours, ++John
Patriarch of All Nations Christian Church Internation

© ANCCI 2016 Abiding In The Anglican Tradition