St. Therese
Church of The Little Flower

Diocesan office of Arizona, Archdeacon Joe Cordero

Arizona, Place of Beginnings

Patriarch John Githiga
July is a month with memories of beginnings and turning points.  I was born on 07.27.1942 and born again on July 13, 1958.   ANCCI was incorporated in Texas on 07.27.07 and granted 501 (c) 3 status on 07.27.07 by the Federal Government. The memory of my birth motivates me to ask for a birthday gift.  I would like to reveal the desire of my heart by sharing a message in a dream I had when I was in Phoenix, Arizona.  After ordaining Dr. Elizabeth to diaconate, my mother-in-law Joyce appeared in my dream wearing a dress with bright colors and a white hand bag. She appeared beautiful and in good spirit.  “I have to take you home.”  I told her, “Not at this time.  I don’t deserve you.  I need to be educated first and then I will come.”

To understand the message in this dream, you need to know about my relationship with my mother-in- law and a unique contribution given by Arizona to our ministry.  Joyce was so loving and always on my side.  Mary tells me how she was confronted by her for missing my date when we were in courtship.  My mother-in-law prayed for us and our ministry until she was called to glory at age 96.

Arizona is a special state for me. It was there that I paid my first Episcopal visit; it was there that I received the first two ANAC bishops. I was also enthroned archbishop on an Indian reservation in Arizona. Our website was built and is being mastered there by Archdeacon Joe Cordero. Three of our chartered members of ANCCI are in Arizona.

The images of my mother-in-law and of Arizona are an expression of my love for all our affiliates. They symbolize the great desire of my heart; that is, I desire that all may be fully equipped for ministry by taking advantage of our University. ANCCI Univeristy ..................................Patriarch John Githiga

Deacon Many Castro, Patriarch John, Fr.Briggs Cunningham

Church of The Little Flower, St. Therese
Native American Ministries

ACTS Messianic Congregation Passover Celebration

MISSION TRIP TO ARIZONA included priestly ordination of Joseph Donvito of ACTS Messianic Congregation and Ron Jones from Grafted Branch Messianic Ministries. This took place at the Grace Community Church in Tempe, Arizona. The liturgy included praise and worship, praying in Spirit, Jewish liturgical dance and blowing of the shofar, Holy Eucharist, the sermon and a wonderful meal. There was an overwhelming feeling of joy in joining our Jewish and Christian heritages with the presence of the Holy Spirit,
On Sunday we had a retreat that was followed by the Bible group which met at Fr. Briggs Cunningham's wonderful home. The group was inclusive with singles, married couples, Anglos, Japanese and African Americans. Additionally, we spent time with Fr. Briggs working on ANCCI University website. We are most grateful to Fr. Briggs for building the University website, and to Stacy for her kind hospitality.
Freedom of expression is the unique ethos of these Arizona ministries. Everyone was free to express what was on their minds and hearts. This helped me to know and to connect with these lovely people of God.



was ordained a priest at St. Cyprian’s International Church, Amarillo, on February 26. Liz ministers as a Chaplain for those in prison. A big thank you to Mary Githiga and Susan Sanborn for their hospitality and Glen for his role as Chancellor and to Aggry Nyanje for operating the power point presentation. May the Lord bless Rev Elizabeth Larsan on her journey.

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TBN gave us two hours of coverage. The TBN host Ellson E. Bennett interviewed us and allowed us to share each ministry.  Rev Manuel Castro of the Yaqui Tribe shared about his ministry and explained beautifully the dance and song using traditional drums to glorify God.  Father Joe Cordero brought dancers from the town of Guadeloupe and was able to share about his work with incarcerated youth and worship experiences his ministry encouraged among the indigenous tribes through the use of drum and flute.  Archbishop John and Lady Mary summarized the vision of All Nations Christian Church International and its Commission by Jesus to reach all nations for Christ, specifically those who are marginalized.  Therefore, All Nations Christian Church International is a church which unites beyond race and ethnic origin. This is evidenced in their own work with the marginalized in the Amarillo area, bringing individuals to Christ and discipline the new believers.  Archbishop John spoke of the need for the universal church to enrich itself with the teaching of Christian theologians other than, and in addition to, those of European heritage.   TBN devoted a whole half hour to the work of Father Joe Cordero and the Rev. Manuel Castro with youth at risk in the Phoenix area.  All Nations Christian Church International is grateful for the publicity, support, and sharing of TBN and its staff. It is estimated that 2.5 million viewed our program in the Phoenix, Arizona area

© ANCCI 2016 Abiding In The Anglican Tradition